KETs in the Circular Bioeconomy: Zero-Waste Biorefineries

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

This session will describe biorefineries and facilities utilizing innovative biomass sources and a diverse range of cutting-edge technologies to efficiently produce valuable products from all the fractions of the biomass. The session will focus on integrated processes: biological, thermochemical, and catalytic conversion to convert renewable raw materials, such as organic residues, algae, or wood, into multiple high-quality outputs (biofuels, bioplastics, biochemicals, and other sustainable materials), contributing to a circular economy (zero-waste approach) and reducing reliance on fossil resources.


Goizeder Barberena Ibañez
Biomass Strategy & Business Development Manager | CENER
Sustainability of the Atlantic case in Sea2Land project: industrial production of biobased fertilizers from fish by twin extrusion
Clément Chastrette
Process development engineer | CRT-CATAR
RISE Bioeconomy Arena, a tool for our transition towards a bioeconomy
David Blomberg
Research and Business Developer | RISE AB
How to identify opportunities in urban circular bioeconomy: a methodological
proposal and a case study in Brazil
José Vitor Bomtempo
Professor | GEBio, Bioeconomy Study Group at UFRJ – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
SCALE: a microalgae industrial biorefinery concept now real: focus on the downstream process
Juliette Diris
Ingredient Development Engineer | Microphyt
Julie Ponchart
Methods Manager | Microphyt
Thermo-chemical fractionation, a unique technology to unlock biomass.
Hans Heeres
Process engineer | BTG Biomass Technology Group
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