KETs Leveraging Innovations in Microalgae production

4:05 PM - 5:40 PM

This session propose to discover advancements in microalgae production through KETs such as harvesting technology and cultivating process optimisation to secure production from the very first gram of culture.
Philippe Lavielle
Chairman | Fermentalg
A dynamic calibration method improves the accuracy of online biomass estimation of microalgae with optical density sensor
Yen-Cheng Yeh
Scientist | Fraunhofer IGB
Assessing and optimizing outdoor microalgae system performances: the example of biofacade
Victor Pozzobon
Head of Bioprocess Modeling | CentraleSupélec
An Innovative Orbital shaker for culTivating microAlgae (IOTA)
Benoit Schoefs
Professor of Plant Physiology | Le Mans Université
How to guarantee the first gram of culture to maintain the production safe?
Paul Goudeau
Technical sales engineer | Synosis Algae
AlgoSolis R&D facilty, high performance and integrated technology tool for the cultivation and refinery of microalgae at pilot scale
Lucie Van Haver
Industrial Project Manager | Capacités
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