KETs leading the way to Sustainable Polymers & Biobased Materials
4:05 PM - 5:40 PM
Sustainable polymers and Biobased materials are crucial for establishing a circular bio-economy and reducing the carbon dioxide footprint.This session focus on technologies to pave the way for industrial production of our future materials focus on both Biobased matrix and Biobased fibers and their functionalization.

Ludo Diels
Former advisor sustainable chemistry | VITO

Production of high bio-content waterborne polyurethane dispersions and their application in synthetic leather production
Gérald Alvoet
Vice President Marketing | Evoco

Determination of analytical methods for quality monitoring of hemp
fibres used in compounds for the automotive industry
Marie Audouin
Analysis Project Manager | FRD-Codem

Polysaccharides as raw material platform for a large range of applications
Nicolas Joly
Teacher & Researcher | Université d'Artois

High performing biobased products to change the course of action
Justine Charmillot
Chemist | Bloom Biorenewables

Innovative process for the production of MFCs (Micro-fibrillated cellulose) at the industrial scale
Gérard Mortha
Professor | Grenoble Institute of Technology