KETs Revolutionizing Nutraceutical Ingredient Production for Food & Feed

2:00 PM - 3:35 PM

Leading experts will explore the convergence of science, technology, and nutrition, highlighting how Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) have the capacity to transform the production and integration of nutraceuticals into both human diets and animal feed. We will uncover valuable insights into the future of health-conscious, sustainable, and technology-enhanced food and feed manufacturing.
Olivier Galy
Alternative proteins: novel sources, processes and applications – how to mix and match
Christine Rasche
Head of Business Area Sustainable Chemistry | Fraunhofer IGB
TEKINBIO: a versatile solution for constantly evolving technologies
Astrid Soulies
R&D Fermentation Engineer | Boccard
Production of p-hydroxycinnamic acids, an antioxydant for food industry, from biomass by fermentation
Morad Chadni
Head of the Process Engineering Team | URD ABI
Nabila Imatoukene
Research scientist in Biotechnology | URD ABI
Decarbonizing the food production by unlocking microalgae’s full potential
Hippolyte Vaslin
Upstream Manager | Solmeyea
How can we use microbes and microbial ecosystems for Food and Nutrition?
Cyrille Pauthenier
CEO/CSO | Abolis
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