KETs in LCA: Sustainable Bioprocessing Innovations

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

During our session we will not only explore a global approach of conducting a Life Cycle Assessment of bio-based products, but as well the impact of utilizing biogenic carbon for decarbonization, and how to assess biogenic carbon content in biomass-derived products.

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Purposing biogenic carbon in decarbonising North Western Europe – a (bio)process systems design approach in global context
Luuk Van Der Wielen
Professor & Director of the Bernal Institute at the University of Limerick | TU Delft
Ecodesign of biobased products
Grégoire David
Environmental performance engineer for biosourced products | ADEME
Determining the Biogenic Carbon Content of Biomass-Derived Fuels and Biogas with Carbon-14 Testing
Jessica Ballasi
Policy Research Associate & Account Manager | Beta Analytics
Prospective LCA to identify advantages of bio-based products over CCU products, the new reference beyond fossil
Heiko Keller
Senior project manager in LCA and sustainability assessment | IFEU
Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of bio-based nanofibers as a new approach to develop antiviral and antimicrobial nanocoatings
Juan José Manzano Gallego
President | Arditec
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